Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Teenage Romance

Oh My Goodness, if i hear one more sob story... let's go back to the beginning. i'm sure everyone knows of the high school fairytales. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy is smart, handsome and funny. Girl is super pretty. They deal with some sort of relationship problem and live happily ever after... THAT DOESN"T HAPPEN!!! There's a very strong chance that EVERY guy you date in high school will be an immature idiot. But sadly that's what happens when you date at the age of 16!!! So many of my friends complain, "Oh no, the guy i'm dating is a jerk!" Don't they ever stop to think that the solution is plain and simple, DON'T DATE! At least not in high school. Honestly i don't see the point, you're GOING to break up no matter how great your friends tell you he is. So why ruin a perfectly good friendship. Stay friends, be happy. Oh, and god forbid you do find you're soul-mate, well lucky you, because you're the exception.


  1. Finally, someone who understands that romantic love in high school just DOESN'T HAPPEN @_@ (99% of the time...)

    hope you don't mind me creepin' on here :B
